
Chad Ramos, Chief Executive Officer, Privado Health

This interview is with Chad Ramos, Chief Executive Officer at Privado Health.

Chad Ramos, Chief Executive Officer, Privado Health

Chad, can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background in healthcare? What sparked your passion for this field?

I started in the technology space in healthcare, working to improve and optimize the workflows of doctors and nurses to make them more efficient so they could have more time to spend with patients. I then moved on to management of facilities and ultimately ended up working on an incredible new cancer treatment that I believe will fundamentally transform how cancer is treated.

Could you walk us through your professional journey in healthcare? Were there any pivotal moments or experiences that shaped your career path?

I entered healthcare from another industry because of my experience with technology. Gradually, I moved from vendor to owner of facilities. Each step for me has been building off the experience of the step before. But learning about Theranostics was mind-blowing for me.

Thinking back to your early days in healthcare, what's the most valuable lesson you learned that you still carry with you today?

Focus on the patient experience, and everything else will follow.

In your experience, what's one innovative approach to healthcare that you believe has the potential to revolutionize the industry?


How have you seen technology impact the healthcare landscape, and what opportunities or challenges do you foresee in the future?

AI will have a tremendous impact on healthcare over the next five years. From expediting clinical trials to assisting doctors with diagnostics, to customizing treatment plans for patients... it will touch almost every aspect of the patient journey.

What advice would you give to aspiring healthcare professionals just starting their careers?

Healthcare can often be 10-20 years behind from a technology perspective. Look to other industries for how to apply the latest technologies to healthcare.

From your perspective, how can individuals be more proactive in managing their own health and well-being?

Understand that you have to advocate for yourself and your health.

Looking ahead, what are you most excited about in the future of healthcare?

Knowing that we have incredible technology that is unlocking a level of patient care that hasn't been possible before, there's an explosion of innovation all happening at the same time.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

I'm so optimistic about the future of healthcare.

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